Voice Works, LLC

creating your vision




Affirmations Deck coming soon

Natural Blur Backdrop


click microphone


Dry Read


Available Now

Coming Soon

Affirmation Deck and Journal

About Me

Hi, I'm Linda M. I've worked in radio as on air talent for most of my life in 5 states & 6 markets including the #7 market in the nation, Washington, D.C. Putting my skills to good use,I’ve start my own voiceover business, Voice Works, LLC and host the podcast,” Thoughts- Converse-Listen-Repeat.” Both ideas came during the pandemic and I wanted to uplift and inspire others.TCLR is a podcast for "real news you can use". Our conversations inform but also brings a message of encouragement. I’ve also created an affirmation deck and journal. More about that on the way, stay tuned.

Contact information to be a guest on TCLR

or to contact Voice Works, LLC
